Hebrews 11:40
“since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.”
In the month of June, our staff was blessed to be a part of two student camps put on by the Georgia Baptist Mission Board. These camps were Impact and Superwow. At these camps, the central idea was to have a BETTER life in Christ. What Christ has planned for us is better than anything we could have imagined ourselves.
Our studies throughout these two weeks were based on Moses. Moses is a pillar of the Christian faith because of his obedience to God. Moses should have been killed as a child due to the Pharaoh’s genocide of Hebrew boys, but God had something better planned for Moses’ life. Before Moses became the leader of the Israelites, he was a murderer. Here we see God can use those who have committed the vilest of sins. God gives us BETTER, even when BETTER is not deserved. This grace.
Moses also made excuses to why he was not capable of leading his people out of slavery. God was not searching for someone with a resume when he sought out Moses. He wanted someone who was available. God is not concerned about ABILITY, but AVAILABILITY. God gave Moses a staff to carry to perform His miracles. Our staff in life is our testimony and our scars from life are our stories.
None of us have a story like Moses, but what we do have is the opportunity to speak His truth into others from our experience. Pastor Mike Lynch of Northstar Church in Kennesaw, GA said this at IMPACT, “You may be the answer to someone's prayer this week.” God can use you help change someone’s life for the better. God wants to be the hero in all of our lives for he has something BETTER in store for us!