Don’t Let Weather Effect Your Worship
Weather affects many things in life. It dictates when we can go outside and enjoy ourselves, it changes some people’s work schedule and even changes our moods. I remember as I finished college in the middle of my student teaching, I had a terrible day of teaching. The students were unruly, rude and did not display much effort. My host teacher responded by saying, “don’t take it personally, it’s just because it is raining.” My mind was blown! Why did that have anything to do with this? We don't even have any windows in the band room! He just replied, “weather effects behavior.”
Matthew 14:22-33
In this passage, Jesus walks on water. As a child, we learned this story to recognize the miracle of Jesus, not the reactions of those around Him. These men are in the middle of a storm. Jesus has secluded Himself to pray. In the midst of all of this Jesus meets them on the water. It is interesting when Jesus appears to these men; they didn’t think it was Him. Many times when the weather is bad in our life, we see rescue, relief or help as impossible or undeserving. I have been guilty of being scared of trusting God completely for fear of where he might take me.
This brings us to Peter. The first thing to note is that Peter doubted the man on the water was Jesus. He basically said, “prove it, big boy!” I love how Jesus calls Peter’s bluff and invites him out onto the water with Him. When Peter steps out on the water, he begins to take his focus off of Jesus and turn it to the weather around him. At that point, he began to sink. When we focus on our CIRCUMSTANCE in life rather than the SUSTAINER of life, we drown in our sorrow and despair. In the end, Peter called upon Jesus, and Jesus pulled Him out of the water. In the midst of our trouble, we must call ON Jesus, put our faith IN Him and push through BECAUSE of Him.
After Peter is rescued, they get back in the boat, and the storm subsides. Then in verse 32 and 33 the men fall at Jesus’ feet and worship Him for saving them. It is easy to worship Christ when the storm has settled when everyone is safe, and when there are no more problems. Today, recognize the storm you are in, make time to praise God in the middle of trouble, not just when it is over. I will leave you with words from a great song by Casting Crowns:
I will praise you in this storm
I will lift my hands, for you are who you are
No matter where I am.
Every tear I’ve cried, you hold in your hands.
You’ve never left my side, and though my heart is torn,
I will praise you in this storm!
Don’t let the weather affect your worship!