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People Work Best When They Care

As a person in full-time ministry, I often get asked the question, “What do you do all day?” This question usually makes me laugh because I can see how it might look like all I do is play my guitar and sing in my office. The reality is I very rarely get to do just that. As a body of believers, we are tasked with reaching others with the gospel. This honestly has very little to do with the four songs that we sing on Sunday mornings. It has much more to do with what we provide for the community and how we can serve the community. We use our facilities and resources to provide meeting space, and meals for community groups. When we find what the community cares about, we can better serve them.

Considering what people care about is also how we rally fellow believers to achieve the same goal for our community. People want to live in an area that is thriving. They want to have a safe, loving, caring community that supports each other and helps others in need. As the church, we should lead by example in making strides to make this happen. But, how do we unite and lead our church members in carrying out these visions?

Nehemiah was an excellent leader that organized the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. God used him to unite his people and rebuild their city. What Nehemiah provided for the Jewish people was:

-He cultivated a belief that this task was possible

-He showed them God’s favor was with them

-He provided resources

-Offered a system for the work to be accomplished

As ministers, THIS is what we do each day. We create a vision, learn songs, write messages, plan mission trips, serve lunches, cook meals and visit and pray for hurting families. It is our passion to see God move in the lives of our congregation and that change affect our community. Nehemiah in chapter 3:28 gave tasks to each family to assemble the wall that was closest to their home. When people are working to protect themselves and their families they are not going to cut corners. People work best when they care.

I am proud to be a part of a church that has the community in mind as we cast visions for our future. Find ways you can serve at your church and use your passions and talents to reach your community. Invest in the next generations to do the same. If we create a culture of service, we build a community of love and support.

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