Unity is defined as the state of being joined as a whole. After an exhausting Easter weekend, I feel the word unity best describes the success of Lakeside Church and its activities this past weekend. With such a pivotal religious holiday and celebration, there can be a ton of stress on the church staff to put in extra time and effort to make sure things run smoothly. I am proud to say God has blessed our congregation with many people who give their time, talents and efforts to reach our community for Christ.
When a body of believers come together to accomplish a goal, put on an event, help maintain the building, or make the services run smoothly, people are blessed. You spend more time with these people, you get to know them, you get to are aware of their heart for Christ, and you get to serve others with them. This creates a bond that is deeper than surface-level friendship and founded on the love of God.
Psalms 133:1
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brothers to dwell together in unity!”
So how does a body of believers unite? Each person joins to serve in showing our community the love of Christ. Whether it is setting out chairs, cooking, cleaning, playing music, operating technical equipment, or just talking with visitors and welcoming them to church, every individual has a part in spreading the love of Christ. Every person has a different skill set that they can use to minister to others. I read a great quote that said, “Unity does not mean sameness, it means oneness of purpose.”
Together, the load is light. Often, our goal gets lost in the chaos of WHAT we have to do, and we forget WHY we are having services or hosting events in the first place. The purpose is to show the love of Christ and testify to His sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the dead. How we serve is a reflection of how we feel about our salvation.
1 Peter 4:10
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
Unite with a local body of believers and use your gifts to extend the love of God. Easter weekended, we celebrated His power over the grave and His eternal love for us. Show others that love by serving! Having gifts and not using them is like learning how to fix cars but never actually repairing one. You miss out on the return of the investment.
“Where there is unity, there is victory!”
-Publilius Syrus