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What to do with Gifts from God?

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.”

Often when we think of gifts from God, we think of spiritual gifts or God given talent. Anything given to us by God is a gift. Our material things, our physical health, mental health and our ability to use those things for Him. This verse in 1 Peter requires that we use our gifts to serve others. Jesus himself said, “I did not come to be served, but to serve and give my life as a ransom for many.” (Matt 20:28) To serve others should be our desire. Asking ourselves, “how can I use my talents, my expertise, my circumstances to honor and glorify God?”

First, we have to acknowledge that every good and perfect gift comes from God. (James 1:17) When we have nothing to put our faith in, emptiness is inevitable. There is a longing for our souls to have meaning and purpose, and that comes from a connection with our Creator.

Second, we have to use our gifts faithfully. People use the phrase, “if you don't use it you lose it” I don't think God gives us abilities just to take them away. I do think if we take our blessings for granted, God will seek to change your heart, and that may not be with more showering of blessings. God gives us talents and gifts to use for His glory. I am very thankful to have the gift of music. Starting at a very young age, I used that gift in the church. Although my path was not always straight, I recognized this gift was from God, and when given the opportunity, I used it to glorify the God who gave me this gift. My gift kept me close to God and was a reminder of His power, his provision and his promise for my life.

Lastly, our gifts are not JUST our talents, but just like the gospel, they are any good news we receive. Anytime we have “God-moments” we should be willing and excited to share those with others. People can dispute the existence of God, but they can not argue your personal experiences with God. Using your testimony to share what God has done in your life can lead people to be more interested in the one you place your faith.

This past week, my wife and I purchased a house. It was a whirlwind of an experience. We received an email on Monday about the house, went to see it that afternoon, put an offer in on Wednesday and the offer was accepted on Thursday. This is our first home, and it is very exciting for us, but how it came to our attention and the price we got the house for was entirely shaped and molded by God. Through ministry, I was able to meet the current owner of this house a few months ago and spend a few minutes telling him how God has brought me to the Lake area. We have not spoken since that day, but when he heard the house was for my wife and me, he negotiated a great price for us to purchase this home. I can not help but think God worked this all out. I vowed the afternoon that all of this came to be that I would share this story as a way that God as worked in my life.

So what should we do with our gifts from God? We should seek to share them with everyone we come in contact with. Sharing our experiences, talents, and expertise is all for one goal, to bring glory and honor to God! Share the blessings God has given you with others so that He may receive glory for all that he has done!

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