Navigating Storms
In the past, navigating vessels at sea was much more challenging. Early seamen used things such as the stars, chronometer, and a sextant to give them their position on the Earth. Making it through storms and rough seas is something all people at sea must be prepared to do. We might have the illusion that Jesus, because of his God nature was not affected by the storms he faced while on Earth. Jesus had every opportunity to take the easy way out and save himself from the pain and turmoil inflicted by the very people he was giving his life. His example of determination, duty, and sacrifice is what gives us hope that we can endure and overcome the trials that we encounter. In John 16, Jesus explained to his disciples that he would soon be leaving them to return to heaven. “The world will rejoice as you mourn.”(vs. 20) He foreshadowed his death, but also gave his followers hope and eventually peace.
John 16: 33
“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
Jesus ensures we will have troubles in our life. Our acceptance of him does not mean our life will be sunshine and rainbows. Quite the contrary, he promises tribulation, but the end of verse 33 gives validation that he has conquered anything and everything we could encounter.
What we do in the face of storms shows spiritual strength and maturity. It also gives testament to non-believers of the power of the God we serve. Just as the sailors need tools to navigate and stay afloat, we need these things in our spiritual life. Brian Houston, the pastor of Hillsong Church, gave great examples of the Keys to Navigating Storms for our spiritual lives.
Keys to Navigating Storms:
-Keep making right choices, moving forward in your walk with God
-Believe in God’s love for you
-Understand some things take time
-Surround yourself with positive support
-Stay in God’s word
May these suggestions guide you in your walk with Christ and encourage you to stay afloat in the midst of life’s storms!