Trinitarian Worship
One of the most foundational, but also confusing doctrines of Christianity is the existence of the Trinity. What is it? How do the jobs of each branch work? Which one do we speak to through prayer? Which one speaks to us? All of these questions are understandable considering most people are taught this doctrine through hollow or surface level illustrations. I remember sitting in a Wednesday evening discipleship class and being shown the example of the Egg as the Holy Trinity. Altogether, these three parts, shell, white, and yolk make up an egg. As a student, I remember thinking this was great imagery, but as I have grown in my faith, I have realized that God can not be compartmentalized. Our nature as humans is to understand everything about the God we serve, when in reality, “a God that is small enough to understand is not worthy to be worshiped.”
In my studies, I came across some excellent information from Zac Hicks who is the Canon for Worship & Liturgy at Cathedral Church of the Advent in Birmingham, Alabama. Let’s take a deeper look into the Holy Trinity and how its roles should lead us to worship.
God the Father, as explained in Ephesians 1:3-6 is the top of the Triangle and “came up with the plan” to redeem man for our failures. God the Son “carried out His marching orders” by the fulfillment of Old Testament prophesy, sinless life on Earth, death, burial and resurrection. It is the gift of Christ’s sacrifice we can have a personal relationship with God the Father through Jesus the Son as our Intercessor. God, the Holy Spirit, “takes the finished work of the Son and applies it to the believer, sealing and sanctifying us by His indwelling presence.” The Holy Spirit moves and guides us to recognize our weakness, acknowledge Christ gift of grace and lead us to worship the Father. This is worship OF the Father, THROUGH the Son, BY THE POWER OF the Holy Spirit.
It is interesting that our Godhead exists in a three-part community. In light of that, how much more important is our interaction with the church body? As a Worship Pastor, I am always seeking ways to inspire worship and pursued the congregation to sing together. It can only be through the recognition of the Trinity that we see WHO we are worshiping and WHY. Only then can we delight in God’s glory rather than seek to earn it. “When we sing together we reflect the Trinity!” Many voices are singing together in harmonious oneness. Praise God from whom all blessings flow…. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. AMEN!