Be Thankful!
Be Thankful
Psalms 100:4-5
4. Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
5. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.
In Psalms, we are commanded to be thankful to our God as we praise Him. When we are thankful, it changes our attitudes, strengthens our relationships and changes our response to circumstance. Gratitude is when we respond in humility in light of all we have received. The key word here is respond. Gratitude is what we show others because of a thankful heart. Recognition of the provision of God is one way we can be thankful. Humbling yourself before the one who provided the opportunities for success can lead to living a more selfless life. Expressing your thanks to God in prayer and proclaiming His greatness for all he has created should be our desire.
The “American dream” requires that we seek that which we do not possess rather than being content with what we have. Keeping up with the Jones’ is not how God intended for us to live. God wants us to seek Him in our daily lives and not things of eternal worthlessness. Steven Furtick of Elevation Church said, “If you come to church, your job, your relationships looking for the negative; you’re going to find what you are looking for!”
Find time to thank God for the things you DO have. Tell others you’re thankful for their impact on your life. By having a spirit of thankfulness, when life rains down on you, you will start to find the silver linings and rainbows rather than how many inches of rain have poured. Be thankful, and praise God for His glory and His provision.